GameSave Manager

Latest Version:
Database Update:
26th April 2024

What's New?

The following changes were introduced in Client Update v3.1.355.0
  • FIXED: 'Additional Info' message not being submitted when sharing a Custom Gamesave Entry
  • FIXED: Detection issue for saves that are detected via registry values (due to an issue parsing 'Wow6432Node' when needed)
  • FIXED: MD5 queries sometimes not returning a checksum, resulting in a previous query being incorrectly used
  • FIXED: MD5 queries failing if unicode characters are within the filepath (still may not be 100% however)
  • FIXED: 'Check for Updates' not re-querying for updates after modifying 'Program Update' behaviour, causing MD5 checksum errors
  • FIXED: Sync & Link - Relink tasks generating links in the default Steam Library (when game was moved to an Alternative Library)
  • FIXED: Sync & Link - Unlink tasks restoring saves to the default Steam Library (when game was moved to an Alternative Library)
  • FIXED: "Update Notification" dialog appearing after navigating away from the 'Check for Updates' page
  • FIXED: Comparisions to backed up and 'live' registry data not being performed when 'Create new archive upon file change' option is enabled
  • FIXED: 'Prevent duplicate directories from being listed' option from excluding entries that share the same root folder, but use different file-masks
  • ADDED: Option (via Program Settings) to skip entries where checksum queries fail after 5 attempts
  • ADDED: Minor formatting to logs, allowing errors to be easier to notice at a glance (logs are still stored in plain text however)
  • ADDED: 'Delete selected log' button to the 'View Logs' dialog
  • ADDED: 'Nightly Release' query to 'Check for Updates' routine (used when current version is a Nightly Release)
  • ADDED: "Processing..." message to the scanning dialog, displaying what is currently being searched for
  • ADDED: Ability to automatically download and apply translation packs (if the author has configured it correctly)
  • OPTIMISED: Scanning now takes up to 50% less time (when performing a full system scan; 26.9 seconds vs 13.6 seconds with default settings in my own tests)
  • NEW FEATURE: External scripts are now able to be used to enhance your backups (starting with 'Anno 2070' and 'The Witcher 2'); can be administrated via Program Settings
  • NEW FEATURE: Introduced an 'uninstaller' to the application
  • NEW COMMANDLINE: '/ignore'; allows you to specify database entries to ignore. Check 'Help -> Commandline Help' for more information
  • NEW TRANSLATION: 'Czech' by 'Buchtic'
  • Aborting a scan now clears the already completed results (fixing issues with half detected entries)
  • Re-introduced the 'Commandline Help' entry under the 'Help' file-menu
  • Major work on the backend routines for 'Installation'
  • The global settings file ('config.ini') is now generated upon the first time GameSave Manager is ran (it was previously pre-generated)
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